Mindful Eating with Quality Ingredients

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Good food comes from quality ingredients that are both flavorful and healthy. A recommended way to improve your diet is to practice mindful eating. This involves being aware of what you consume and making choices that prioritize your well-being.

Wellness advocate Bianca Elizalde firmly believes in the power and long-term benefits of mindful eating. This philosophy extends to her restaurant, The Wholesome Table, where she offers diners a taste of healthy yet delicious meals she enjoys at home. By focusing on wholesome ingredients and balanced nutrition, you can make informed decisions that support your health and well-being.

However, making that big step in committing to a healthier diet can be hard, so start by making small changes instead. A few tweaks in the ingredients of your favorite dishes can help you ease better into the habit of making healthier food choices every day. Along with this shift, mindfulness in selecting ingredients matters a lot.

Healthy eating need not be boring and complicated. The key lies in finding ingredients you can swap out with healthier alternatives yet yield (almost) the same results or flavor profiles. Scroll down to discover easy healthy swaps you can do.

1. Lettuce over Tortilla
Why Choose Lettuce: Lettuce wraps offer a crisp, refreshing base for your preferred fillings, without the extra carbs and calories found in flour tortillas. Additionally, they serve as an excellent method to increase your vegetable intake.
How to Make the Swap: Utilize large lettuce leaves like iceberg or romaine to encase your preferred fillings, such as grilled chicken, veggies, and avocado. Enhance the flavor by drizzling with your preferred dressing. Secure with toothpicks and enjoy a satisfying, low-carb meal.
2. Turkey Ham over Luncheon Meat
Why Choose Turkey Ham: Turkey ham offers a leaner protein option with less fat and sodium compared to luncheon meat.
How to Make the Swap: Opt for turkey ham in sandwiches, wraps, salads, and breakfast scrambles. Additionally, turkey ham can be diced and added to omelets, soups, and casseroles for added flavor and protein without the excess calories and unhealthy additives often found in Spam.
3. Dark Chocolate over Candy Chocolate Bars
Why Choose Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains higher cocoa content and antioxidants, potentially improving heart health and reducing inflammation. It's a satisfying yet healthier sweet treat.
How to Make the Swap: Replace candy chocolate bars with dark chocolate for a guilt-free indulgence in moderation. For maximum health benefits, choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content. Enjoy a small piece as a satisfying treat, or add it to recipes for a rich, chocolate flavor.
4. Greek Yogurt over Mayo
Why Choose Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt offers protein and probiotics with lower fat and calorie content compared to mayo. Although its flavor is not exactly similar, its creamy texture makes it a versatile ingredient suitable for various recipes.
How to Make the Swap: When substituting mayo with greek yogurt, use equal amounts. It’s perfect for creating tuna sandwich spreads, or potato and egg salads. It also works well in dressings or dips.
5. Homemade Vinaigrette over Bottled Dressing
Why Choose Homemade Vinaigrette: Homemade vinaigrettes allow control over ingredients, reducing added sugars and unhealthy fats. They're fresher and more flavorful than bottled dressings. Plus, homemade options are less processed and contain fewer preservatives and chemicals, making them a healthier choice for your meals.
How to Make the Swap: Create simple vinaigrettes at home using olive oil, vinegar, and herbs to dress salads and vegetables. Enhance your dressings with fresh ingredients like garlic, citrus and berries for added flavor.
6. Organic Nut Butter over Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
Why Choose Organic Nut Butter: Natural nut butter consists solely of nuts and possibly a hint of salt, offering beneficial fats, protein, and nutrients devoid of additional sugars or hydrogenated oils compared to chocolate hazelnut spreads.
How to Make the Swap: Switch to organic nut butter for a healthier and more nutritious alternative for toast, fruits, or as a dip.
7. Ricotta Cheese over Cream Cheese
Why Choose Ricotta Cheese: Ricotta cheese is lower in fat and calories while providing protein and calcium. When it comes to flavor, ricotta and cream cheese share similar profiles, allowing them to be effortlessly swapped. Both offer subtle hints of tanginess, preserving their overall neutrality, which suits them well for pairing with various complementary ingredients.
How to Make the Swap: Blend ricotta until smooth in a blender or food processor, add a touch of lemon juice for cream cheese's tanginess, and use as a spread or incorporate into your baking or cooking endeavors.
8. Fruit-infused Water over Bottled Juices
Why Choose Fruit-Infused Water: Fruit-infused water adds natural flavor without added sugars or artificial ingredients. It promotes hydration and reduces calorie intake.
How to Make the Swap: Infuse water with fresh fruits, herbs, or cucumbers for a refreshing and nutritious beverage option.
9. Almond Milk over Dairy Milk
Why Choose Almond Milk: Almond milk is lower in calories and saturated fat, making it suitable for those concerned about cholesterol levels. Generally, it contains omega-3 fatty acids that help lower “bad” cholesterol and protect your heart. It has a similar texture and consistency to cow’s milk, so it can sub in seamlessly whether you’re baking or cooking.
How to Make the Swap: Enjoy the light and nutty flavor of almond milk as a beverage, poured over cereals, used in baking for cakes and muffins, and added to coffee or tea as a dairy-free creamer. Almond milk is also suitable for cooking savory dishes like soups and sauces, as well as for making desserts like puddings and ice creams. It can be blended into smoothies, used as a base for dairy-free dips and sauces, and cooked with oatmeal for a creamy breakfast option.
10. Kombucha over Soda
Why Choose Kombucha: Kombucha is a fermented tea rich in probiotics and antioxidants, promoting digestive and immune health, available in both flat and carbonated varieties. Opt for the fizzy kind as a low-sugar alternative to soda.
How to Make the Swap: Enjoy kombucha instead of soda for a gut-friendly beverage that satisfies your cravings without the added sugar and artificial additives.

Shifting to mindful eating need not be abrupt. Slow transitions and small changes can eventually result in a better lifestyle.

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